Debate: Why Wealth is Better Than Health (5 Reasons)

Students who want to know more about the debate topic concerning, “Wealth is Better Than Health”, should sit down and read this article, as I have compiled solid debate reasons for those supporting this motion.

Most people do say money can’t give happiness, but the truth is good money can give you all you want. Wealth has the power to establish you to anything you want, including helping you stay healthy, as below are the advantages of wealth over health.

Wealth is Better Than Health

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Why Wealth is Better Than Health 

Below are some basic advantages of having money, or being wealthy over not having money and staying.

1. Wealth Can Keep You Healthy 

Yes, wealth is better than health because with money you can stay healthy, and eat good and healthy meals that will help your body systems and organs to function well. Money gives happiness, which will make you feel relaxed without worries.

Purchasing healthcare facilities is made easy when you have money. We can see rich men who have exercise facilities in their homes, and routines for exercising their body, which is a healthy practice to keep one healthy, and can only be achieved when you have money.

Furthermore, when you have money, you can purchase medications, and visit hospitals for medical treatments (an opportunity for better healthcare), so money can keep one healthy in various ways. You don’t have to think too much or struggle much when you have money, so this aspect is enough to make one stay healthy, so wealth is better than health in this case.

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2. Wealth Offers Financial Security 

Money can offer financial security, which covers every daily expense without worries. You can purchase anything you want without thinking twice, and go for quality and beneficial products without double thoughts.

So you have all-round security, including good health assurance, personal security, good food assurance and others, which can be achieved with money, so this also makes wealth better than health. 

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3. Improved / Quality Living Condition 

Have you seen a wealthy man’s house and a poor man’s house? Can they be compared? The answer is NO. A wealthy person enjoys good comfort and quality living, which keeps his health in good condition.

However, a poor man with good health, can’t have a good environment, which in no distant time, will also affect his health, making him break down, so having wealth promotes a good living, and will make you live a quality life.

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4. Wealth Boosts Quality of Life

You enjoy a boost in life quality by having good money to purchase all those things needed. Quality environment, good health care facilities, good medications and healthy foods can be purchased with money.

When one has money, the quality of life is boosted, including what they eat, which we all know the body needs good foods. But someone without money, won’t really mind what they eat, which can also affect the good condition of health as well.

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5. Wealth Offers Access to Education 

Education is power, and only the wealthy can have access to education, so what stops wealthy people from staying healthy? Access to knowledge that can keep you strong and fit always, can be achieved with money.

You know more about your health and how to maintain good health when you are educated, and you also gain healthy product access when you are healthy, so why not accept wealth as better than healthy?

Does a poor healthy person go to school? No, but a rich person can access quality education, knowledge and ideas on how to stay okay, and even get all the assistance to be healthy, so wealth is very important.

Wealth is Better Than Health

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Advantages of Money (Wealth)

Below are some benefits of having more or benefits of being wealthy, to know.

1. One of the basic advantages of Money is it can offer you a sense of protection and stability when it comes to finance.

2. Having Money offers one good freedom to make choices of things and places to go, which can boost happiness.

3. Wealth has another good importance of comfort and confidence, as you have advanced access to quality living.

4. When you have money, you have access to good and quality education, including the facilities.

5. Wealth reduces stress, as you can acquire all you need without having to put in more energy.

6. Money always offers peace of mind and joy.

7. Lastly, with money you can have access to quality healthcare and a quality lifestyle.

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How is Wealth More Important Than Health?

Health gives you access to all health knowledge, and access to healthcare facilities that will keep you healthy as well, so with money you can stay healthy and happy without worries or stress, but without money, you can fall short of health with too many activities and stress.


Wealth has played a better role in people’s lives, including building a better society, which makes having more a vital thing everyone should work towards having. Also, those supporting wealth to be more important than health should know it’s just for debate purposes.

Good health shouldn’t be underrated, because it’s only the healthy that lives to enjoy wealth, so both wealth and health are very important. Feel free to ask any question regarding this topic, and we will give you a quick answer.

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