Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

Debate: Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good (5 Points)

The debate topic of “Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good”, has always been an unending educative discussion among students, where we have students supporting modern technology, and others against it.


The fact remains that the modern technology we see around us has made many great impacts in the lives of many, including reducing stress, ensuring quality of life and also making things/work to be done easily and faster.

However, whatever has an advantage also has its disadvantages, which this article talks down on technology, offering reasons and the harms it has caused to people and society as well.


Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

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What is Technology?

Technology is known as the machinery and equipment seen around us, that are well developed from the proper application of scientific knowledge. We have various technologies like cell phones, machines, vehicles, gas cookers and many others.


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Reasons Why Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

1. Modern Technologies Causes Distractions

Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

Modern technology gadgets like mobile phones, also known as cell phones, cause distractions while driving. Most times we see drivers making calls or answering calls, which is a major means of distraction that can cause accidents on highways if the drivers lose concentration.


Aside from drivers answering calls, modern technology like cell phones also gives directions to people walking on roadsides. It’s common to see young people walking on the road and operating their devices, either chatting or watching movies on roads, which can take away that person’s attention, and lead to something else.

People busy selling, can be busy operating devices, and lose concentration in what they are doing. We also see people playing songs or music aloud using their devices or earphones, which also takes away the attention of the person and can be an accident. So this alone proves that technology has done more harm than good.

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2. Frequent Technology Usage Leads to Sleep Deprivation

Most people stay awake all night, either watching movies on their mobile devices, television or playing video games, which constantly can cause damage to the human body.

A higher percentage of young people sleep late at night because they are either awake with their devices, playing video games, or on social media platforms, which leads to sleeping either very late or not sleeping all night.

The human body needs rest, so it can restore worn-out tissues, but focusing on devices all night, without having good rest, endangers human health, which is another bad side of technology, and also why it has done more harm than good.


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3. Modern Technologies Causes Addiction 

Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

With so much fun and so many things one can do with modern technologies like cell phones, this can cause so much addiction in one, which can lead to distraction in a big way. When someone becomes so attached to their devices, it becomes difficult for that person to concentrate.

So instead of having someone completely carry out activities in a day, the addiction to social media can reduce that. Also, the addiction to mobile devices in kids can teach them not to concentrate on their studies and lead to poor academic performance, which is another reason why technology has done more harm than good.

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4. Technology Usage Can Cause Obesity 

The increased chances of obesity in one is through constant usage of technologies like mobile phones, video games and others. The fact that most people see it as fun and relations, but regulating yourself and time properly, causes you to forget daily duties, and this in turn causes obesity.

Vehicles used for transportation have made people also look down on using their legs to move around, which is another form of exercise, but this can’t be achieved if there is modern technology, which is why it has done more harm than good.

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5. Certain Mental Health Consequences

Lastly, there are some certain mental health effects age people can have through addiction or regular use of modern technologies like cell phones. Most people’s eye cells are weak, so too much focusing on light from mobile phones can cause more damage to their sight.

Furthermore, aside from phones, there are many other technologies that are not good for certain health conditions, or when constant use can affect a person’s health, which is another negative side of technology, that has given reasons why technology has done more harm than good.

Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

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The Negative Effects of Technology 

Below are some of the bad impacts of technology on humans.

1. Modern technology has a way of killing people’s creativity as they don’t believe in themselves any more but what technology does or offers.

2. Technology like gadgets causes a certain level of distraction among young people and students.

3. Misinformation or fake news can be sprayed through technology gadgets and social media.

4. High rates of fraud and bullies are common or commonly found on phones and social media.

5. Technology also affects individual skills and makes many not believe in themselves.

6. There is a higher avenue for cheating among students using technology gadgets in exam halls, which is a great negative impact of technology.

7. There is a likelihood of good handwriting extinction among students who majorly send information through chatting.

Technology Has Done More Harm Than Good

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Technology has caused more harm than good, by causing more distractions to users, which makes many people unproductive or useless as they spend time operating their devices instead of becoming useful or working hard.

Although there are also advantages of technology, owing to those supporting this debate topic, the above are convincing reasons why technology has caused more harm than good to many people.

We hope the above debate points can serve you well in the fast-coming debate competition, and you can feel free to ask questions as well, using the comment section below.

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