Debate students who support the motion that says “Science Has Done More Harm Than Good”, should settle down and grab a few winning points from this article.
It’s no doubt that science has helped us in various ways, starting from improving the quality of life, to perfecting certain works and offering a smoother output. Most of the good inventions we see are from the good knowledge of science, and without science, the world wouldn’t be this improved.
However, this article will focus solely on the harm or let’s say the disadvantages of science to humans. So ensure you pick winning points to counter your opponents with.
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What is Science?
In a simple explanation, science can be said to be the pursuit and application of useful knowledge, including the proper understanding of the natural and social world, following a certain systematic methodology that is based on evidence.
Why Science Has Done More Harm Than Good
1. Science Creations Have Endangered Lives
Yes, most of the scientific discoveries and creations like weapons (guns and bombs), have wasted lives during fighting and wars. It can be said to be helpful in controlling war and certain issues, but some people have also used it in fighting and killing innocent people as well
Most times, during the war, when those bombs are released, both the guilty and innocent also suffer its effects, making it not a good thing. There are also many people who use weapons like guns for criminal activities like robbery, and in most cases kill innocent people.
Imagine the world without certain science inventories like guns, and certain robbers that might involve killings, which won’t be in existence as the level of evil or murder will be reduced, which is one of the harms science has caused to humans.
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2. Increased Fraud Level with Science Inventories
The major science inventory used for most fraud activities is mobile phones. Yes, we all can testify to the harm mobile phone usage has really caused, starting from how people use social media platforms to scam people of their wealth (Money), down to how they also hack into people’s accounts or create fake online banks to dope people of their money.
There are higher levels of fraudsters online, which is caused by mobile usage and also the invention of scientists. Imagine how less scamming was then when there were no science inventories like mobile phones and social media. So in this case you will strongly agree with me that science has done more harm than good.
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3. Increased Level of Laziness
Science inventory like mobile phones has increased the level of laziness among kids and adults. Nowadays we see more young and energy-filled youths, spending their time on phones, either watching movies, playing video games or chatting with people.
There is a lower rate of hard work and good productivity among many in recent times. People focus more on easy online work and don’t have time for any work that requires physical energy. This case has also proven science to bring more harm than good as well.
Students also don’t read again. You will agree with me that the level of study among students has really reduced because they focus more on their mobile devices than books. Students don’t even do research with their phones but rather get addicted to other online activities that don’t add value to their education.
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4. High Accident Rates
You will agree with me that there is an increase in accident rate because of science inventories like cars, motorcycles, ships, trains, aeroplanes and others. Most homes are burnt because of misusages of home appliances like electric stoves, which is also a scientific invention.
Accidents on highways occur, affecting lives even people not involved because of science. Imagine the fewer accidents that will occur when there are no cars or other inventions people use.
We all know that in the olden times, we only used our feet and some animals like horses to transport, and there are no news or records of accidents, but, but this modern time invention has caused more harm than good.
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5. Cyber Bullying and Self Insecurity
You may have heard of cyberbullying, a situation where people’s photos are brought online, and others insult them, making them feel bad about themselves. Such situations can not occur if there are no science inventories.
People are currently feeling more insecure about themselves and their bodies, going further to implant things into their bodies just to ensure they look good like others. Most girls post stunning photos of themselves, showing off their beautiful bodies, and this turns out to make others think they are not beautiful enough and make them feel insecure, which is a wrong impact of science.
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Science has done more harm than good through inventories like weapons which have caused the death and injuries of innocent people and also caused many wars and fighting, including destruction of properties.
You can also agree with me that scientific inventions like mobile phones have increased laziness in society where young people burn off useful time on phones, students who are supposed to be reading their books, are busy watching movies on phones, playing video games and other wasteful activities on social media.
Other science inventories like vehicles have also increased the rate of accidents on highways, killed so many and also caused many destructions. These facts have proven to us all that science has caused more harm than good to humans and to society as well.